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15% off Orders Over £50 at Feelunique
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Free delivery on orders over £15, free click and collect and free returns.
Expires: Expires 01/12/2016
Submitted: 8 years ago
5% off Orders at Feelunique
Copy this code and use at checkout
Includes free postage and packing when you spend over £15 or free click and collect from store and free returns.
Expires: Expires 01/12/2016
Submitted: 8 years ago
About Feel Unique
Feel Unique is an online retailer of health and beauty products. They have a great selection of all the favourite brands you would expect to find on the high street but with big savings across the collection. They sell male grooming essentials too all delivered free of charge direct to your door. With great savings and a no quibble guarantee it is a must go destination for beauty and health products with a huge choice at the best prices. Review
Feel Unique makes sure to promote all the products available and make it easy for visitors to find something they need. While offering a search function, the site also offers two menu bars. One of those has an A-Z search, which is unusual for fashion websites. The second menu bar is the more common one with clothing and products separated by category.
While doing all that, Feel Unique makes sure the current offers stand out. A purple banner draws attention to the ability to save money on orders, while the slider focuses on other local-specific promotions on offer.
There is the downside of no clear contact information at the top of the site. The bottom has the usual social media follow buttons and then a general Contact Us link. Fortunately, the Contact Us page is full of ways to get in touch. It is a large wall of text and people could skip over some of the ways to get in touch, but there is the option of Live Chat, phone, email, and to request a call-back.
There is also a Help Centre, which has all the frequently asked questions to be able to navigate around the site and options quickly and effectively. Free delivery is available on orders subject to a minimum order spend and free samples again with a minimum spend.
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